Data Requirements-Schools

Help us provide outstanding service to you by following these data guidelines.


Please provide data in .xls, .txt, .doc or .csv file format.

We are unable to process PDF format files.

Please submit your data to us at least two weeks prior to your photography date to allow us ample processing time.


The following student data fields should be included, separated into columns (not merged) and in proper case format.

  • Student ID Number

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • Teacher

  • Grade

  • Photography Group (How will the students be sent to us for photography?)*

  • Package Distribution Group (How do you want the portrait orders bundled for distribution to the students?)*

    *Photography Group and Package distribution group may be different, especially in Jr. & Sr. High Schools. For example you may send the students to be photographed by their Math or English class, but distribute the packages by homeroom. Having this data assures that photography and distribution is accomplished quickly and efficiently.


The following Staff data fields should be included, separated into columns (not merged) and in proper case format.

  • Salutation (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss)

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • Title

  • Grade**

  • Teacher/Classroom**

    **Required for all staff that are to appear on the classroom composites.

For questions regarding data requirements please contact Janet King at 315.280.4509 or